Thursday, 19 February 2015


A young girl, Teddy Ndagaano, who lives with her mother in kabaale A village, Rakai district will have another chance at education. The ………….year old (indicate age of the girl) Ndagaano sat for her Primary Leaving Examination at Kabaale primary school but with no hope of furthering her education. Because of the several house hold and her mother’s ignorance about her daughter’s right to education, Teddy was about to leave school as she couldn’t balance the twin tasks of house work and school work. In her words, (quote teddy instead of writing in reported speech) “we had to weave mats with my mother even at night in order to get some money to cater for our needs.” Teddy retorted. Teddy had to help her mother so that they are able to raise funds that would help them meet her educational as well as other needs. (Mention examples of other needs that teddy and her mother could be having).
It was amid this predicament that Mr. Mpesebwa, a counselor from Children of Uganda, went to the home of Teddy and her mother. In an hour’s dialogue, the counselor and teddy’s mother discussed issues like……………… (Mention some of the issues that were discuss). After speaking with the mother, Mr. Mpesebwa spoke to Teddy, emphasizing and highlighting the importance of education, but also advised that doing house work is equally important so should be balanced with school work.
It is no doubt that Mr. Mpesebwa’s visit was fruitful and had quite an impact on Teddy’s mother’s perception of the right to education and Teddy’s educational needs as according to teddy, her mother changed for the better. (Quote Teddy: “Two days later, my mother told me that I would start using evening time for revising my books and work on mats during weekends.” This is a clear indication that Teddy’s mother understood the value of education; much as weaving mats was crucial for the family’s income, she realized that education was equally important. She hence gave her daughter a chance to balance the two tasks.
Teacher's flower

Therefore the above story indicates that IDF funded COU has played a major role of promoting children’s rights and ensuring that children are not turned into labourers in the name of income creation. Teddy has obviously benefited from this project as she is very optimistic that she will pass her PLE and no doubt have a chance at higher education.

Why Do We Have Inadequate Infrastructure; Pupil Questions District LCV Chairperson

At a primary schools’ debate organized by YAWIA-Uganda, one Kakaire Shaban, a primary pupil of Busiro primary school tasked the LCV Chairperson of Namayingo district to explain why schools in the rural areas have inadequate classrooms, latrines, desks, few teachers and other related services, “why do most schools in the rural areas have no or inadequate classrooms, staff, desks, and latrines yet all children are entitled to enjoy the same rights and privileges” asked Shaban. 
Shaban speaking at the debate.
The debate whose themes were “Local leaders and parents can be of great help in promoting learning, Educating a girl child is educating a nation, modern technology has done more harm than good, Education is better than wealth and Universal Education has done more harm than good)” attracted over 200 pupils (123 Males & 77 Females) pupils from 20 schools in the project sub counties and over 500 stakeholders (270 Males & 230 females). They included local leaders and civil servants at both district and sub county levels, parents, School management committees, teachers, the media and the general community. The debate provided several themes enable pupils to discuss and deepen their understanding on children rights and responsibilities to education such that they can be able to demand for the observance and respect of these rights from the duty bearers. The debate was held on 3rd /12/2014 at Busiro primary school

During the debate the pupils highlighted several issues about the importance of education in the society among which include; education helps people to know how to read and write, know their rights and responsibilities, enhances skills development, makes people to fit in the society, helps in job creation among others. They further discussed how local leaders can be of great help in ensuring children’s learning.  Besides debating amongst themselves, the pupils also interfaced with the duty bearers present to share their concerns and seek response/commitment to address them.   

Responding to the raised issues the duty bearers expressed gratitude to YAWIA for organizing such an educative debate and for their efforts in promoting education especially pupil enrolment and retention in schools. They pledged to double their efforts in addressing the service delivery challenges in education; for example, the District Secretary for Education Mr. Muyaye James representing the District LCV Chairperson acknowledged the issue of inadequate infrastructure that Kakaire Shaban had raised. Hon.  James noted that this was still a very a big problem in Namayingo District; he committed to table the matter before the District Council for further discussion and action.  Related to this Mr. Kizito James who represented the DEO said ‘’ we shall work hand in hand with the District Council to allocate more resources in infrastructure especially in rural schools such as lubango Muslim primary school, Shabarubi primary school and other schools with similar problems”. He added that plans for recruitment of more teachers is underway and they will be posted in schools with few staff and priority will be given to schools where YAWIA operates. YAWIA is yet to follow up on the commitments made with the duty bearers to ensure that they are fulfilled as pledged.

Precisely, the debate helped in deepening the children’s knowledge and understanding on their rights and responsibilities to education and in bringing to the attention of leaders or re-echoing the service delivery challenges in the sector as well as securing commitment for addressing them from the leaders.  The activity also enhanced YAWIA and the project’s visibility through the news relied on Eastern Voice radio 102.3 FM about what transpired during the debate.
 In its implementation of the IDF funded project (Enhancing community and duty bearers responsiveness in promoting, protecting and defending children’s right to education in Banda sub county, Buhemba, Mutumba and Sigulu Islands in Namayingo District) YAWIA uses school debates as one of the approaches to sensitize pupils know their rights and responsibilities in protecting and advocating for these rights before the duty bearers. This approach is being seen to cause positive change e.g. Duty bearers have become responsible and committed to ensure that children stay in schools for example as a result of this, a by-law on education was drafted and its awaiting approval by the District council,  children’s knowledge about their rights has been enhanced, this is evidenced by the discussion amongst the children themselves during debate.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Terms of Reference- IDF- Internship for Young Professionals’ under Programme Support Unit January, 2015

1. Introduction:
Independent Development Fund (IDF) is a non partisan and not-for-profit grant making organization supporting Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Uganda. It is set up to deliver support services to Ugandan CSOs to strengthen their capacities to effectively contribute to the country's human rights, civil rights, good governance and poverty reduction efforts. This is done through the provision of grants and grants management support to the CSOs that work to promote a Rights Based Approach, support and facilitates citizens to access and understand laws and Government policies that impact on their human and civil rights.

1.1 IDF Vision
A vibrant indigenous grant-making institution contributing to the achievement of human rights, good governance, rule of law, local democracy and better quality of life

1.2 IDF Mission
To enable indigenous CSOs access grants through an efficient grant making system.

1.3 IDF Core Values
·         Professionalism
·         Integrity
·         Learning
·         Inclusiveness

1.4 IDF Strategic Objectives
1.       Build civic consciousness and competence among the public of Uganda particularly the vulnerable and disadvantaged populations
2.       Support that enhances community mobilization, activism and access to redress mechanisms provided
3.      New frontiers in grant making opened and promoted for the protection and observance of human rights at the sub national level.

 2.      Purpose of Internship
Through a conducive training and career development environment, IDF is seeking to place two (2) young professionals interested in advancing their career in effective programme management and development work.
The purpose of placing interns at the IDF is to offer an opportunity for young professionals to receive in- the job training as well as gain practical work experience while offering programmatic support that will enhance the achievement of IDF Programme objectives.
 Qualifications, Key Duties and Specific Responsibilities
 3.1. Qualifications
IDF seeks serious and dynamic young professionals with graduate qualifications in either of the following areas; Monitoring and Evaluation, social sciences and law.

3.2. Key Duties:
During the placement period, the young professionals shall be expected to provide hands -on support, while demonstrating learning from all tasks assigned.

3.3. Specific Responsibilities:
a.      Participate in preparation  of  Programme monthly and quarterly work plans and reports
b.      Monitoring grantee work plans and implementation of projects
c.       With  the guidance of  Programme  Officer, support the  process of  reviewing  and report  on grantee quarterly reports and other documents submitted
d.      Taking minutes for program weekly meetings and  generate briefs  for other scheduled meetings with grantees
e.      Follow- up with grantees to complete/ improve success stories from available content
f.        With guidance from Programme Officer, review grantee procurement requests and documents.
g.      Maintain  up- to date grantee files at the IDF with  relevant  information
h.      And any other tasks as will be assigned by the supervisor

3.4. Other requirements
The applicants should be enthusiastic and self-directed, possess excellent time management and administrative skills, and capably manage independently the assigned tasks. The ability to think critically, write clearly, and communicate fluently is essential.

4. Reporting:
The interns will report to the Finance and administration Manager, who will designate the department and staff to supervise the day- day assignments and evaluation of tasks.

 5. Facilitation
No remuneration shall be paid to IDF interns. Interns will be facilitated in accordance with the terms stipulated in the IDF Human Resource Policy and subject to availability of funding.

6. Timeframe and Duty Station
The Internship placement will  last for a period six (6) months and the duty station will be at the IDF offices  in Kampala. 

7. Entry Requirements
Potential candidates should submit an application to undertake internship training at IDF. All applications must be addressed to;

Finance and Administration Manager
Independent Development Fund (IDF)
Plot 18 off Martyrs Way,
Ntinda P.O.Box 34253,

The applications should specify why the applicant has chosen IDF for internship, the benefits expected from completing the internship and how this contributes to IDF’s objectives. The application should indicate specifically:
·         Field of academic specialization or area in which practical training is required.
·         Programme of training approved by the candidate’s institution, where applicable duration of the internship.
·         Number of credits required for validation by the candidate’s institution, where applicable.
·         A supporting letter from his/her learning institution, where relevant.

Deadline for receiving applications is 2nd  February, 2015 and only successful candidates will be contacted.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

IDF Gets New Grantees

Following the sixth call for proposals sent out in May 2014, twenty (20) new grantees were selected and awarded to operate in 17 districts of Uganda. Out of these, 35% are from the Northern Region, 15% from the Eastern region, 40% from the Western region and 10% from the central Region. The total award for the sixth phase is UGX. 4,368,000,000 with 16 projects under Human rights and 4 under the good governance component.  Our last 2 calls represent an improvement in distribution.

Since December 2014 a series of activities like capacity building, aligning grantee results and budgets, signing off contracts have been going on and soon an induction training.

IDF believes  that the new grantees will contribute to increased accountability in local governance by increasing citizen’s capacities to demand for accountability, monitor service delivery and facilitate citizenry access to information. This will enable people to get access to justice through supporting human rights activists and legal aid, leading to improved quality of people’s lives through raising awareness of the key policies, i.e. land, health and Universal Primary Education (UPE).