Monday, 5 May 2014


A survey conducted by Life Concern (LICO) in 2010 revealed that land grabbing, denial of property rights to persons living with HIV/AIDs especially the widows and vulnerable orphans, eviction of HIV positive widows and orphans from their marital homes because they were considered unuseful, and, discrimination against and/or rejection by the communities in which they lived were some of the unfair life experiences of the HIV positive widows and orphans in Zombo district.
Touched by the desire to support these affected and infected persons, LICO with support from Independent Development Fund (IDF) adopted a Human Rights-Based approach to programming, as an intervention to promote the property rights of persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLHAs). 
LICO’s interventions built confidence and strengthened the capacity of the vulnerable women and Children affected and infected with HIV/AIDS. It also empowered them to demand for their rights and have them effectively addressed by the relevant authorities and institutions. Among others LICO trained affected and infected women and duty bearers on property rights and will writing. This was intended to empower them with knowledge on their rights and responsibilities to ownership of property.
Parmu at her reclaimed land. Photo by gilbert Wachal
Results from these interventions indicate that most PLHAs are now empowered and are continuously utilizing the knowledge acquired to claim their rights. Most can now report cases of rights abuses/violation to different offices and push till they are helped. For instance: Parmu Cellina 49 years old a member of Dwong Ni Mungu PLHA group said after the sensitization and dialogue meetings with duty bearers, she reported the case of land grabbing by Kasamba William of brazil village to LC1 of Akoth village, who refered the case to the elders. The elders who attended the meetings organized by LICO helped her to resolve the case free of charge and the piece of land was given back to her. She now has access, ownership and control over the land
In addition to this, duty bearers (LCs 1-5, Land Committees at all levels, cultural and religious leaders) have all realized their roles towards protecting the rights of PLHAs and agreed to support them using an affirmative action. Listening to the testimonies of the affected and infected women in Zombo district  there is no doubt that LICO’s interventions have contributed to National HIV/AIDs strategic objective 3: To mitigate the underlying social, cultural and economic effects of HIV&AIDS at individual, household and community levels.