Tuesday 13 May 2014


Mr. Ochola Alfred and Adoch Lilly of Gwengdiya have been married for six years. Ochola however is a reknown drunkard and wife barterer in the village. Ochola often abuses and barters his wife Adoch when she fails to serve him meat from the 2000shs he leaves behind for meals, and for also “failing” to give him a male child. Ochola and Adoch have two girl children, whose education Ochola has refused to support.  
This had been the life of Ochola and Adoch until December 2013 when Adoch got tired of being abused and hit back at Ochola. Adoch beat Ochola thoroughly in the presence of their neighbors and friends. Embarrassed, Ochola chased his wife and children out of his compound asserting that no one tells him to do in his home.
Although Ochola and Adoch’s marital issues had been heard by the Local Council 1 Committee several times, the leaders and elders were particularly disturbed this time that Adoch was being forced out of her marital home and that the children’s schooling was being disorganized.  In the bid to put an end to this domestic violence, the leaders and elders of Gwengdiya village sought the help of men role models. These are family men known to have stable marriages and have significantly been helping other couples in settling their marital differences. 
The men role models reached out to Ochola who however dodged them several times before they finally got hold of him and shared about his situation. Mr. Okwera Geoffrey, Chairperson of the men role models shared his own experience with Ochola and also counseled him. Geoffrey mentioned that having realized the benefits of living in a domestic violence free home, he chose to join the Gulu Women Economic Development&-Globalization (GWED-G) team of advocates for women rights.  Ochola
A happy  Adoch carrying water to her home
chose to change and also joined the community counseling and dialogue sessions that have since helped him realize the importance of family. 

Since then, Ochola now testifies to the community about the benefits he received from the men role models counseling and dialogue sessions which enabled him to reconcile with his wife and children. Ochola and Adoch have reconciled and are now living a happy life. Ochola is also a member of the men role model group. 

Ochola sharing his testimony with GWED-G staff